Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Oaxaca 5 10 2010

Ruth Returns Home to New Zealand
It was a very very sad day Tuesday 6th, my Wife Ruth , Best Friend , Navigator , Health & Safety Officer, Organiser , Dictionary ,Love of My Life, had to return home, she will rejoin me later on down the track at some point .
So we have spent a week in Oaxaca organising the trip home for her and also for me to wait for a Kiwi Guy (Damon Good , I met up in Montana) who is travelling around the world to catch up , we will be travelling together for the rest of the trip (He has a BMW bike).
Oaxaca is an other very Colonial city and a nice city to spend our last few days to gether before Ruth went home , great weather and very interesting just to wonder the streets and enjoy to City .
Next stop San Cristobal De Las Casas , it should take us about to days to reach there .
1. Ruth just about to leave for Home
2. 3. People at the Plaza Oaxaca
4. Another photo of Jango
5. 6. More peole at the Plaza Oaxaca
7. Ruth with a bottle of Katsup , what we call tomato sauce
8. Church Oaxaca


  1. Hi Rog, Tough decision for you both. Ruth rung yesterday and we'll catch up this week. Never heard of anyone doing what you've done, 2 up and all your gear. bloody well done. Stand up on the pegs and hang out that rear end...you go Boy. Stay safe, talk soon. John & Sue

  2. Hi Rog, what a surprise to hear Ruth on the other end of the phone telling us she was home! Well, it was a good decision for her - reminded me a bit bout the time you all left me to go on the Greenstone Track - but much harder i would say! Anyway all is well eh? Nothing ventured, nothing gained - we all must know our limits. Hope you still enjoy the trip with your new mate and that all goes well. Lots of love W & D xx

  3. Hey Roggee,make contact with me by txt,Twissy
