Roger and Ruth (thats us ) we are from the Bay of Plenty New Zealand in our mid 50s married for 37 years 2 sons 6 Grandkids . After a 3mth Bike trip of Aussie 3 yrs ago , we were watching a TV program of the first guided Bike trip by Globe Busters from the Arctic to the Antarctic . So it was all on for us , we could do that no sweat .
As Abraham Lincoln said
"Its not the years in your life but the life in your years"
With this in mind and 3years planning we are just 3 weeks from departure to Anchorage . After being told last week that the plane we had booked to take the bike from Los Angeles to Anchorage was now not going , it is all packed and gone with great relief thanks to Wayne Robinson from Burnard International Tauranga New Zealand ( who came through in a matter 2 days to have it booked and gone .
So now we are ready to go , Anchorage Alaska our first stop then up to Fairbanks and onto Deadhorse (this is as far north as you can go , way up in the Artic Circle) and then all the way down to Ushuaia (as far south as you can go ) and back up to Rio and home . In all it should be around 43,000km and 8 to 9 months of adventure , so log on and see how we go it should be fun .
Arrival Anchorage 12th July 2010