Monday, September 13, 2010

Casa Grandes/Cuauhtemoc/Creel

The ride from Casa Grandes to Cuauhtemoc was as pretty as we have seen , we climbed some mountians and crossed some of the most beautiful valleys you could see .There were vast open plains being mosty cattle country , the roads were empty of cars with a few very large trucks on very narrow roads . About 50kms before Cuauhtemoc we passed through the vast farms of the Mennonites , they are a religous sect (not unlike the Amish of Americia ). They moved to Mexico from German via Canada back in the 1920s and have not mixed or intermarried with the Mexicians and don't speak Spanish and are very Germanic looking .


Cuauhtemoc was not what you would call a good looking city, the Hotel we stayed at had bed bugs (not good for a good nites sleep , thank god we had sleeping bag liners to sleep in . But for $17 a nite what else can you expect I suspose . There was a celebration going on in the Plaza , so we had a good nite people watching and there were some characters, we had a lot of fun watching .


The road to Creel was another great ride again few cars and great scenery , it is completely the opposite of the scenery that we expected . Beautiful farm land and great riding mountian roads, the roads in general were very good but not that wide and a little lumpy .

Creel is not very big but very interesting and a little bit touristy, but bugger all tourists . The Hotel we are in ( called Casa Margarita) is very clean and comes complete with Dinner and breakfast for $24 a nite a real bargin .

We were to have tomorrow off and then go down to Batopilas (the bottom of the Copper Canon ). But we had been told by another Biker (Dr Artoro Macias from Chihuahuas he was riding a BMW) , he stopped us just before Cuauthemoc to ask us where we were going, and if he could help us in anyway and offered us contacts on the way through South America . This is just the kind of help and people we have been running into on the trip so far , just so helpful . Anyway he advised us not to take the bike down to Batopilas (64kms down the Canon all Gravel) because they have had a lot of rain and the road is very badly washed out and that we are to loaded up with weight to go down there . With this in mind I asked some of the locals what they thought and they said the same "Road no good for En Moto to much rain , no good", but I still had it in my head to go . Until we were offered a trip down in a van for $120 including 1 nite accommadation . So we just said bugger it for $120 , why take the risk and damage the bike if the road is as bad as they say . And maybe we will enjoy it a lot more , and also met some other tourists to boot .

So tomorrow we are off to Batopilas


1/2 On the road to Casa Grandes , Casa Grandes
3/4 On the Road to Cuauhtemoc ,Cuauhtemoec
5. A town on the way to Creel , San Juanito
6/7 Creel and our Hotel Casa Margarita

1 comment:

  1. You made it past the border area! You didn't even have to give up a pack of ciggies. Yay! Now I can relax. Photos and descriptions make it seem really nice along there, very remote. Of course no tourists -- everyone but you is terrified! Those guys in the 6th photo are probably migrants on their way to the US, waiting next to the tracks for a train. Good luck to them. And to you! Have fun. JennySF
