Sunday, August 29, 2010

Jackson / Vernal / Moab 29/08/2010

WE got away early when we left Jackson (we were up at 5.30am and on the road by 7.00am ) for Vernal (Aprox 480kms)

And what a good start the temp was just right and bugger all traffic . About 150kms from Jackson we struck Road Works (or as I say now Construction) , there was a guy with a lollipop and about 15 cars banked up . So i just rode on up to the front (as we do us bikerrrs, well this one anyway)and the guy with the lollipop says park up by the white line . Well the first car was a Highway Patrol Guy with Attitude , so he winds down this window and says "Hey you cant do that , you can't just push in , go back to the back of the line" . Ruth says" Well every where else they said it was ok"". Well he throws his arm out the window and points to the Badge on this arm and says I'VE GOT THE BADGE , SO GET TO THE BACK OF THE LINE" . So we had to do a Uturn and go back to the back of the line . I had to laugh it was like being naughty little kids pushing in . Ruth and I laughed about it for the rest of the day .
The rest of the ride to Vernal was just prairie and wide open plains and just before Vernal we through and over the Flaming Gorge , it was very nice and a change from open plains all day .
Vernal was just a service town not that interesting .
Next on to Moab (a tourist town for adventure sports ) another early start (480kms) , it was just open plains for approx 400kms, then we entered Canyon Country . First up was Fisher Towers , just amazing is all I can say and then on to Moab and Arches Nat Park .
The road into town was thought a vertical canyon with just enough room for the road and the Colorado River . After checking into a very nice cheap Motel , we went out to Arches Nat Park and a gain just undescribable , it just was so fantastic. The rock formations unbelievable and the colours , I hope the photos bring this out , but I doubt it , the reds , greens the browns .
Today we went out to Dead Horse Point (approx 35kms from town ) , it is where the Indians and Cowboys would herd the wild horses and carol them . It is 1000 feet down to the Colorado River and what a view (as per the Photo )
This afternoon we went back out to Arches Nat Park and walked up to the Delicate Arch (approx 6kms return ) the walk itself was enough with out getting to the Arche , WOW just to much . This is just visual overload ( There are over 200 Natural Arches in the Park ) .
Tomorrow we are off to Mexican Hat via the Moki Dugway (Google it, it is one crazy road ) and The Valley of the Gods and then on down to the Grand Canyon .
1. Delicate Arch
2. Flaming Gorge
3. Cisco a town on the way to Moab , I hoped to get gas here , there was not one house still standing . But I have been told that 3 people live there , well they think it may only be 2 now as there was a fire the other week and 1 died .
4.Fisher Towers
5 /6/7 All Archers Nat Park
8. Dead Horse Point looking down on the Colorado River


  1. Hi Guys, Wow, the photos are unreal. We hadn't stopped laughing about you telling us on Saturday, of your encounter with the Patrol r's hole and when we read your blog today we started all over again. That takes the cake. Nicky will be home as I write.Not so sad saying good bye knowing they'll be back in 3 months. John got back from airport at 2pm yesterday and could hardly make it into bed with shivers and aches. Sore throat etc.Still laid up today but dosed up so should be improving soon. can your blog get any better? Its a treat to read. Enjoy every minute. off now to google your next highlight. Ride carefully XX

  2. Hi guys,

    Thought I would say hi,looks like you are having a great time. Just got back from staying with Dad, great little life he has. I doing fine, just working on the house.

    Thinking of you, Take care. Love Nikyla

  3. Welcome to Police State USA! Pathetic little man with a small knob and a big badge. Keep having fun guys....

  4. Hi there! Wow, incredible photography - I think you have missed your vocation Rog! You're certainly keeping many people entertained! HOpe all is well with you both - we enjoyed weekend with your parents - they looked great and love having the kids each week. Two baby lambs this morning - a sure sign of spring! Enjoy, Lots of Love, Wendy & Doug

  5. Hey Roger and Ruth! Where are you? Out in the Wild West somewhere... Where's Moab? Did I miss you? I have in my calendar that you'd be in Vegas this coming weekend. I was waiting for your email and forgot your blog! Oops! Started reading it but to read the whole thing will take hours! Let's see where Moab is... O, I should have rendezvoused with you at Arches. Are you going to Zion? No, looks like you're heading straight to Grand Canyon. Flights to Las Vegas to rendezvous with you are almost $400 now. I blew it! Well, you're much better off out in the wilds of Utah and AZ. I'll see you in New Zealand! Jenny in San Francisco PS am going to check on Mexico and make sure you're safe!

  6. Hey R&R: How's Vegas? Quite a shock after Dead Horse Point and Mexican Hat I'm sure. Let's do our Skype cocktail hour on Saturday early evening (before you go out to see the Bimbo Mud Wrestlers and the Elvis Impersonators) -- rather than Friday evening, because I want to read your blog first during the day Saturday. Let me know by email or phone. Jenny W.
